The Direct Response Specialists We Drive Sales - Worldwide!

International Distribution

440 Group is the International Distribution Leader To Over 80 Countries Worldwide.

440 Group is your first choice for taking your consumer product to the international marketplace. Since 1989, we have been a world leader in selling consumer products worldwide working in over 80 countries and through over 1,500 direct distribution channels. Most importantly, our process is unlike any other with no-risk and no-cost to our clients.

440 Group works directly with our international distributors (without middlemen) to take your product to consumers around the world in all of these territories:

  • Asia/Australia/Entire Pacific Rim
  • Western & Eastern Europe
  • Central & South America
  • Canada
  • Caribbean
  • Scandinavia
  • Middle East
  • Africa
  • Russia

We sell your product in three specific ways: Live TV Shopping, International Direct Response Television (IDRTV), and International Retail Distribution:

In Live TV Shopping, your product will be presented live to viewers just like on U.S. home shopping channels. We work directly with the lead buyers in every major and most minor territories worldwide. After we evaluate your product, we test it in one of our regions at no cost to you. If the test goes well, we test again. If the second test does well, we begin the purchase order process and your product is on its way to profitable distribution. A successful campaign can sell unit quantities from the thousands up to millions. While it’s a nice benefit, Live TV Shopping does not require a commercial in order to sell on international Live TV Shopping.

With IDRTV, your product spot or infomercial airs worldwide just as it would in the U.S.. Orders are processed and distributed directly to consumers by our international marketing partners in their specific territory. IDRTV also includes international catalogs, print, direct mail and web-generated sales.

Through International Retail Distribution, products are stocked and sold through physical retail locations. UK retailers Boots and Superdrug are examples of the type of retailers with which we work worldwide.

No Cost To You With Full Transparency

The process for selling your product worldwide is as simple as it is straightforward. First, we evaluate your product based on hundreds of selling points and category history. Next, we receive product samples to discuss in detail with our country partners. If we like it, we then negotiate the distributor agreements, localize in the language of all non-English countries, help through the process of product certification, then arrange all shipping and payments. It’s then tested twice (to make sure we have a successful product) and then rolled out regionally and worldwide. The process is fully transparent and you are apprised though every step. We only work with quality products that provide true consumer benefits. We leave the junk to our competitors which makes our international relationships deep and solid.

120-Day Exclusive Only

Some companies want to lock up your product rights indefinitely and this isn’t right. We only ask for a 120-day exclusive to make your product work. If we can’t make it happen in 120 days, all rights return back to you and we walk away friends.

Worldwide Sourcing & Manufacturing

440 Group is the go-to company for product sourcing and manufacturing. Out of the thousands of factories and manufacturers worldwide, we only work with a small handful. Why is this? Because we only work with the best of the best. Our tenure and power allows us to source only the best quality at the lowest pricing. Again, we don’t work with or source junk. We have plenty of competitors to handle this! We work with you to design and improve your product for highest sales and lowest returns. Our top consumer categories include but are not limited to:

  • Home & Garden
  • Kitchen & Cleaning Products
  • Health, Beauty & Fitness
  • Automotive

440 Group wants to be your international partner and we’re with you – from test to success – every step of the way.